Cleaning company stockholm
Construction cleaning and final cleaning
When the dust has settled and you are almost ready to move in, contact Handy Heroes AB to plan your building cleaning. We are experts in environmentally friendly building and final cleaning after renovation and promise to make your home shine with the help of only safe and Nordic Ecolabelled cleaning agents.Read our checklist for building cleaning. Please note that we adapt the cleaning to your special wishes.
Högkvalitativa tjänster för ett högkvalitativt liv!
Convenient Heroes AB r en städfirma I Stockholm. Vi erbjuder ett brett utbud av städtjänster för hushåll och företagskunder I Stockholm, som: hemstädning, flyttstädning, storstädning, fönsterputsning slut, kontorsstädning, butochsstädning, by.ggsstdning, by.ggsstdning Våra specialiststädare använder endast miljövänliga rengöringsprodukter och utrustning för att förse burrow drug en makalös kundnöjdhetsgaranti.
Vårt mål r att förenkla våra kunders liv genom att bespara dem värdefull tid och energi på allra miljövänligaste sätt. Vi gör det genom att ta bort det allra tråkigaste uppgifterna från er "att göra lista", dvs. städning, så att familjen, vännerna och alla kan ha roligt igen!
Våra professionella städare erbjuder hushållsstädningar och övriga underhållstjänster för att tillgodose alla dina behov. Alla rum, hela huset, alla fönster samt trädgården kommer att lysa skinande lease tack vare Handy Heroes.
Convenient Heroes hjälper burrow att hålla ditt företag fräscht och lease så att det ser så proffsigt ut som det ska göra I just ditt företag för att imponera på dina kunder och att erbjuda an f trevlig a dittrev.
High quality
services for a high quality life!
Handy Heroes AB is a cleaning company in
Stockholm. We offer a wide range of cleaning services for households and corporate
customers in Stockholm, such as: home cleaning, moving cleaning, general
cleaning, window cleaning, office cleaning, shop cleaning, building cleaning
and final cleaning. Our specialist cleaners use only environmentally
friendly cleaning products and equipment to provide you with an unparalleled
customer satisfaction guarantee. Our goal is to simplify our customers'
lives by sparing them valuable time and energy on the most environmentally
friendly way. We do this by removing the most tedious tasks from your
"to do list", ie cleaning, so that family, friends and everyone can
have fun again!
Our "House Heroes" provide first-class household cleaning services,
of which all our professional cleaners have years of cleaning experience to
make your house shine like a newly purchased one. We train our staff
regularly so that they always have an eye for detail. In this way, we can
provide you with the same first-class cleaning every time. In most cases,
it is the same cleaners who are given the task of cleaning the same house
regularly so that you can always expect a fresh, shiny clean house!
Window cleaning
offer professional window cleaning in the Stockholm region so that you get
clear, stain-free windows. Our window cleaners are experienced and
focused on first-class window cleaning, especially in hard-to-reach
More about the window
cleaning service:
- Cleaning the window pane itself
- We clean both the inside and
the outside and in between if you have divisible windows
- Cleaning of bars
- Cleaning of surrounding frame
also window screens
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